Bajoran Troop Transport Diecast Model, Bajorans, STAR TREK: The Next Generation

Bajoran Troop Transport Diecast Model, Bajorans, STAR TREK: The Next Generation

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Eaglemoss STAR TREK ST0083
Bajoran Troop Transport Diecast Model
Bajorans, STAR TREK: The Next Generation, w/Magazine

1:1564 Scale   Length   Width
Bajoran Troop Transport   3.5"   5.5"

Bajoran interceptors, also known as Bajoran impulse ships, were sublight interceptors used by the Bajoran Militia, that were lightly armed with two phaser emitters. These vessels were readily used in orbit of Bajor to intercept and protect the planet from unwelcome incoming vessels, as well as used by the Maquis in protecting their colonial interests.