Challenger-class Starship Diecast Model, Starfleet, NCC-56580 USS Buran, STAR TREK: The

Challenger-class Starship Diecast Model, Starfleet, NCC-56580 USS Buran, STAR TREK: The

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Eaglemoss STAR TREK ST0114
Challenger-class Starship Diecast Model
Starfleet, NCC-56580 USS Buran, STAR TREK: The Next Generation, w/Magazine

1:3545 Scale   Length   Width
Challenger-class Starship   4.25"   2.5"

The USS Buran (NCC-57580) was a 24th century Federation Challenger-class starship operated by Starfleet. In 2367, the Buran fought the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359. It was destroyed, along with 38 other starships. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")