Defiant-class Escort Diecast Model, Starfleet, NX-74205 ISS Defiant, Mirror Universe
EG-ST00M3Product Details
Eaglemoss STAR TREK ST00M3 |
1:1550 Scale | Length | Width | ||
Defiant-class Escort | 4.25" | 3.5" |
The "mirror universe" is an informal name for a parallel universe first recorded as visited by James T. Kirk and several officers from the USS Enterprise in 2267. This parallel universe coexists with the prime universe on another dimensional plane. The mirror universe was so named because many people and places seemed to be opposites of their characteristics in the prime universe, with numerous good aspects now evil and vice versa, thus "mirror"-like. The ISS Defiant (NX-74205) was a Terran Defiant-class warship that was in service to the Terran Resistance Forces in the latter half of the 24th century. The Defiant was constructed and launched in 2372 by the Rebellion at Terok Nor, in orbit of the planet Bajor. The design of the Defiant was based on specifications "acquired" from Deep Space 9 in 2371. This warship proved of crucial importance in fighting the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance at the Battle of Terok Nor, and represented an important boost to the Terran's fighting power during the Terran Rebellion. (DS9: "The Emperor's New Cloak")