Diecast Model, NCC-1701-A USS Enterprise, STAR TREK: The Voyage

Diecast Model, NCC-1701-A USS Enterprise, STAR TREK: The Voyage

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Diecast Model
NCC-1701-A USS Enterprise, STAR TREK: The Voyage Home, Dedication Plaque

This painted metallic resin plaque is a replica of the dediction plaque seen aboard the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A (from the 1986 Movie, "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home"). A dedication plaque was a commemorative plate that was displayed on the bridge of most Starfleet vessels. The plaque commonly displayed the name of the ship, as well as its class and shipyard of origin. Many later plaques also displayed the ship's official motto, plus a list of notable Starfleet officers involved in the assembly of the vessel.