KV-2 Heavy Artillery Tank Diecast Model, German Army Panzerkompanie (z.b.v.) 66, Malta
AM-ACBG32Product Details
Amercom Combat Vehicles ACBG32 |
1:72 Scale | Length | Width | ||
KV-2 Heavy Artillery Tank | 3.75" | 1.75" |
During the Spring of 1941 Germany was debating whether to attack the British stronghold of Crete or Malta. Newly acquired tanks captured from Russian forces were going to be used for the operations. T-34s and KV-2s were combined into a special company designated (z.b.v.) 66. This company was to be used specifically for the invasion of Malta where the KV-2s would make perfect bunker busters. In March of 1941in preparation for the Malta invasion the captured KV-2s were painted in tropical camouflage schemes of Gelbraun (yellow-brown) and Graubraun (grey-brown) along with a small Balkenkreuz (black cross – national symbol) on the side of the turret. Another modification made to the KV-2s was the addition of a PzKpfw III Commander's cupola. The decision was made to assault Crete first and on May 20, 1941 Germany launched an airborne assault on the island. This assault was the first attempt to capture a large area using only airborne forces instead of using them to support the Wehrmacht. Crete was defended by Greek partisans and Allied forces and along with the geography this attack became very costly for the Germans. Because of the high cost during Operation Merkur the invasion of Malta was cancelled. In August of 1942 these same KV-2s were assigned to fighting around Demyansk.