Maquis Fighter Diecast Model, Maquis, STAR TREK: Voyager, w/Magazine

Maquis Fighter Diecast Model, Maquis, STAR TREK: Voyager, w/Magazine

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Product Details

Eaglemoss STAR TREK ST0028
Maquis Fighter Diecast Model
Maquis, STAR TREK: Voyager, w/Magazine

1:630 Scale   Length   Width
Maquis Fighter   4.25"   4.75"

The Maquis raider was a type of small and maneuverable starship commonly utilized by the Maquis as a raider craft in their fight against the Cardassians. These ships had a runabout-size bridge which held four stations, with larger crew facilities in the aft sections. Some of these ships operated with impulse engines originally built around 2332. (VOY: "Caretaker")