Nausicaan Raider Diecast Model, Nausicaan, STAR TREK: Enterprise, w/Magazine

Nausicaan Raider Diecast Model, Nausicaan, STAR TREK: Enterprise, w/Magazine

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Eaglemoss STAR TREK ST0030
Nausicaan Raider Diecast Model
Nausicaan, STAR TREK: Enterprise, w/Magazine

1:870 Scale   Length   Width
Nausicaan Raider   4"   3.75"

Nausicaan raiders were vessels employed by Nausicaan pirates during the mid-22nd century for raiding freighter routes. These vessels were armed with forward and aft plasma cannons and possessed primitive shields. Although their weapons were considered formidable to a Y class freighter, Nausicaan raiders were outmatched by NX-class starships, whose spatial torpedoes were capable of piercing Nausicaan shields.