Orbital Docking Station Diecast Model, Starfleet, Deep Space Nine, STAR TREK: Deep Space

Orbital Docking Station Diecast Model, Starfleet, Deep Space Nine, STAR TREK: Deep Space

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Eaglemoss STAR TREK STSP01
Orbital Docking Station Diecast Model
Starfleet, Deep Space Nine, STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine, w/Magazine

1:9551 Scale   Length   Width
Orbital Docking Station   6"   6"

Deep Space 9, originally known as Terok Nor, was one of the most historically, politically, and strategically important space stations in the Alpha Quadrant during the latter half of the 24th century. The space station was constructed by the Cardassians in orbit of Bajor during their occupation of the planet. Under Federation administration, following the Cardassian withdrawal, the station was relocated into the Bajoran system's Denorios belt. There DS9 became a vital commercial port and defensive outpost due to its location near the mouth of the Bajoran wormhole. It later became a key strategic location during the Dominion War, for both the Dominion and the Federation Alliance.