Tholian Starship Diecast Model, Tholian Assembly, STAR TREK: Enterprise

Tholian Starship Diecast Model, Tholian Assembly, STAR TREK: Enterprise

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Eaglemoss STAR TREK ST0026
Tholian Starship Diecast Model
Tholian Assembly, STAR TREK: Enterprise, w/Magazine

1:120 Scale   Length   Width
Tholian Starship   5"   1.75"

The Tholian starship of the 22nd century was a relatively small starship employed by the Tholian Assembly. In 2152, making an unusual move, the Tholians traveled far beyond their territory, as they attempted to possess a 31st century time-travel pod discovered by the Earth starship Enterprise NX-01. Four Tholian starships intercepted and disabled the Vulcan cruiser Tal'Kir while it waited to rendezvous with Enterprise. They also attacked and defeated a fleet of Suliban vessels that were in pursuit of the arriving Earth ship. They then successfully removed the pod from Enterprise's possession, only to have the pod return to its proper timeline moments later. (ENT: "Future Tense")