Titan IIIE Rocket Diecast Model, NASA, w/Launch Tower
Long March 2F Rocket Diecast Model, CNSA, Tiangong 1, Launch September 29th, 2011
Constitution-class Heavy Cruiser Diecast Model, Starfleet, NCC-1701 USS Enterprise, STAR TREK:
B'rel-class Bird-of-Prey Diecast Model, Klingon Empire, STAR TREK: The Search for Spock
NX-class Starship Diecast Model, Starfleet, NX-01 Enterprise, STAR TREK:
D'deridex-class Warbird Diecast Model, Romulan Empire, STAR TREK: The Next Generation
Sphere-class Starship Diecast Model, Borg, STAR TREK: First Contact, w/Magazine
Jem'Hadar Battleship Diecast Model, Jem'Hadar, STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine, w/Magazine
Galor-class Cruiser Diecast Model, Cardassian Union, STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine
D'Kora-class Marauder Diecast Model, Ferengi Alliance, STAR TREK: The Next Generation
Dauntless-class Starship Diecast Model, Species 116, NX-01A USS Dauntless, STAR TREK:
Bajoran Lightship Diecast Model, Bajorans, STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine, NO MAGAZINE
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