Voth Research Vessel Diecast Model, Voth, STAR TREK: Voyager, w/Magazine

Voth Research Vessel Diecast Model, Voth, STAR TREK: Voyager, w/Magazine

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Eaglemoss STAR TREK ST0062
Voth Research Vessel Diecast Model
Voth, STAR TREK: Voyager, w/Magazine

1:1000 Scale   Length   Width
Voth Research Vessel   5"   2.5"

The Voth research vessel was a type of starship used by the Voth for scientific research in the late-24th century. They were equipped with transwarp drives. In 2373, scientist Forra Gegen and his assistant, Tova Veer, used this type of vessel during their investigation of the USS Voyager and the Distant Origin Theory. (VOY: "Distant Origin")